Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween in Melbourne

Halloween in Australia is a bit different, not only because it is spring time here right now so there arent any pumpkins, no fall colors and no frosty breath. The main reason is most people dont celebrate it AT ALL...but, like the lady at the costume shop told me, we'll just have to get it started ourselves.

On Thursday night, a group of us took a taxi to a club in the central business district that had a relatively huge rate of people dressed up (note: 1 in 10). Undeterred, we had fun dancing and acting goofy in our costumes...PARTY ON!


We didnt end up getting home till about 5 in the morning and got ripped off from our cab driver talking about some prepaid fair business...BOGUS!
The next afternoon after I finally built up the energy to get out of bed, my newly found neighbor Troy showed me the days paper and an article on the Melbourne "zombie shuffle". A zombie shufle is where a group of zombie enthusiasts (nerds) get together in big groups (undead hordes) and cause a ruckus in the city streets (eat brains!)

We went to the local 2 dollar store, copped some cheap face paint and colored hair spray and proceeded to sell our souls to the devil. By the time we got to the Flinders St. Station, the shuffle had been shuffed but there was an undead gathering at a venue a bit up the road. We had a shuffle of our own and got some pretty hilarious looks and screams.

The club was packed with dancing dead, including zombie Palin, who were all very friendly....even for those with eternally damned souls. Stiff zombie dancing, growling and cheers of brains were let out as Halloween hits were played...Thriller, Monster Mash, you know the stuff. There was even a short bit from a theatre group that performs Macbeth: Re Arisen!

There was talk of another zombie shuffle in may or june sometime...I'm just dieing to go bahahahah