Sunday, October 26, 2008

Throwing down the gauntlet!

I'm gonna admit something that not many people know...I've got a mancrush. Ok, its is more of a mencrush because I'm falling in love with the blog Really, you should check it out. Anyways, I am laying down a challenge to those two...a challenge of worldwide importance...a scummy-est scumstache challenge! It will be a test of true courage and true humiliation, a test of who cares the least about mothers pulling their children closer and of people staring in disgust. OK, i doubt it would get that bad but if Tony and Isaac are up for it, the rules will be like this....

Scumstache Stipulations
1. 6 week challenge, ends near christmas
2. no shaving, trimming or grooming of scumstache allowed
3. weekly photos 'stache to be posted on blog
4. group of impartial judges to declare winner
5. winner recieves the knowledge that they possess the best scumstache in THE WORLD!

Tony, Isaac, you down?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Start it off

My name is Will Good, I just moved from Tacoma Washington...

to Melbourne Australia...

This is gonna be fun!